Things I’ve made or was a dev-member of the team behind.

I’ve worked on tons of little (public and private) projects over the years but these are the ones that came to my mind and that I didn't sign any NDAs for. Most of them are open-source, so check out the code and contribute if you have ideas for how it can be improved.

  • SquadStatsJSPRO

    All-in-one advanced discord bot and website combo. Mainly for stats and administration of the squad (community) servers. Used: NodeJS - ExpressJS - MongoDB - MySQL

  • BattleMetrics API

    An easy and open source NPM Package that allows you to do a variety of functions within BattleMetrics but much easier! Written following the OO-Pattern.

  • ScreenShotJS (GER-SQUAD)

    Fast and Smart. Taking screenshots of leaderboards by filtering the website. Usage is simple the bot is using Puppeteer to take screenshots and DiscordJS to connect and show those to in the channel. Custom written for GER-SQUAD

  • SquadJS (Team-Silver-Sphere)

    SquadJS is a scripting framework, designed for Squad servers, that aims to handle all communication and data collection to and from the servers. Using SquadJS as the base to any of your scripting projects allows you to easily write complex plugins without having to worry about the hassle of RCON or log parsing. However, for your convenience SquadJS comes shipped with multiple plugins already built for you allowing you to experience the power of SquadJS right away.

  • Squad Community Ban List (Team-Silver-Sphere)

    Squad Community Ban List is a community-led project that aims to protect the partner communities through collaboration and information sharing. It does this by importing ban information from various popular servers, known as our partner organisations, into a database and providing functionality to search and export the data or aggregations of the data in a number of different formats.

  • Address autosuggestion and validation

    Address autosuggestion and validation Wrapper for the BPOST's address autosuggest and validate API. - Only for Belgium addresses. - Supports typescript.

  • German Squad Stats (Not used anymore)

    Created full stack stats system for the game SQUAD from the ground up for the community GER-SQUAD. Including the discord bot (separate project). Used: PHP - JS - MySQL
